Moms of Medicine

23. Dr. Mona Amin of PedsDocTalk on postpartum complications, breastfeeding, starting her business, and more!

Alison Trainor

"I know how hard it is. I know that parenting is hard. I know that life is hard, but I do believe that we have to look for the glimmers and look for the hope and look for the joy and celebrate those things, at the same time not denying the negative but understanding that those negatives will always exist in our world."

This episode is with Dr. Mona Amin, a board certified pediatrician and IBCLC and host of the pedsdoctalk podcast

in  We discuss:

- Her traumatic births with her two children
- Having the same rare postpartum complication twice
- Her experience feeding her two children and how this inspired her to become an International Board Certified Lactation Consultant (formula for one baby and exclusive pumping for the other)
- Her inspiration behind starting her pedsdoctalk instagram account, blog and podcast
- and so much more!

Connect with Moms of Medicine:
- Instagram @moms_of_medicine

Connect with Dr. Mona Amin:
-  Podcast
- Website
- @pedsdoctalk on instagram

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